Knowledgebase : Lightroom > Alamy
I have been getting increasing numbers of problems reported with Lightroom 2.7 when uploading to Alamy. It appears that although an upload succeeds, Lightroom reports this to the plugin as if the connection to Alamy's servers was broken.
This has been ...
When you try to connect to Alamy from within Lightroom, you get this message:
Alamy's server said '200'.
Part of the authentication mechanism is a cookie sent from Alamy's servers. If this cookie is not received, you will not be able to log in. This...
You try to log in to Alamy using the Lightroom plugin and receive an error:
"Alamy's server said 500".
The '500' is a standard HTTP error code meaning "internal server error". This is being returned by Alamy's web server. This usually happens while ...
You have run the "Fetch Alamy Metadata" exporter but not all of your photos have had the Alamy details added to them.
When you upload a photo to Alamy they assign a value called "Your Reference" which is normally the filename, minus the file extension....
You need to resubmit some photos to Alamy but you get a message saying they have already been submitted.
When the plugin uploads an image, it stores the Alamy Media Reference in the submitted photo's metadata as an indication that it has been submitted...
Part of the Alamy plugin for Lightroom is a file which tracks your
Alamy pseudonyms. Lightroom keeps track of the versions of this file,
and if you transfer your Lightroom catalog to a new machine or
reinstall Lightroom from scratch, your Pseudonym fil...
After you upload photos to Alamy, some of the fields are present but others are missing.
When you upload a new photo, the plugin will add as much of the standard metadata as it can to the JPEG. This covers the majority of the fields, specifically those...
Alamy allow you to define many "pseudonyms" when you upload photos.
This can be a useful way of separating different types of photography
in Alamy's search functions.
For technical reasons, the Alamy-Lightroom Bridge needs to store these
in a file on di...
There are options in the "Fetch Metadata" function to require photos
to be part of a particular collection, or to exclude them if they are
not part of a particular collection. If you set these filters to be
one of the supplied Smart Collections, they m...
When you import a CSV with the Alamy-Lightroom Bridge, it needs some
key information to allow it to understand what changes to make to
which photos. The CSV should have a header row with at least one of
these columns:
* Filename
* Path
* ImageRef
The Alamy-Lightroom Bridge needs to authenticate itself with Alamy's
servers if it is to do any work on your behalf. This means it needs to
have your Alamy account name and password entered correctly in
Lightroom's Plugin Manager.
If either of these is ...
The Alamy-Lightroom Bridge downloads a CSV file containing your sales
data when you use the "Check for Sales" feature. This file would
normally have certain data columns defined. If it doesn't, it could be
a temporary network or Alamy server problem. As a...
When you use the plugin to send new photos to Alamy using the "online
upload" method, it tries to allocate a new "upload session" in exactly
the same way as Alamy's own online tools do.
Errors here should be extremely rare and will usually be down to a
The Alamy-Lightroom Bridge needs to send data to Alamy's servers and,
in the case of new images, this can be very large and take a long
time. On a slow or unreliable network connection, it is possible for
there to be problems during this upload. Even when...
When you do a "Fetch" operation, the plugin uses data provided by
Alamy to match and update your corresponding photos in Lightroom. If
Alamy provided a valid response to the requests made, but the plugin
wasn't able to make any updates, please let us know...
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